Sunday, June 10, 2012

Stylin', Profilin', Organizin'?

As we prepare for leaving the country, there are a lot of things that need to be done. A lot!  First of all, we need to figure out what to do with all of our stuff!  Why on earth do we have so many things? Figuring out what you really need and want to keep is important.  I am more of a minimalist while Jeffrey wants to keep everything.  In order to get ourselves in order, we agreed we weren't keeping any large pieces of furniture.  Hello Craigslist!  On the other smaller things we have learned to compromise.  If you haven't used it in the last year, why do you have it?  Saving that platter for the next time you have a dinner party?  Sell it!  I have divided our stuff into piles strategically located in different parts of the house.
The first pile is garage sale items:
In no particular rhyme or reason.  These are the things we know for sure we are selling in our garage sale.

The second pile:
This pile has what I am packing for sure.  I keep adding to my pile when I think of things to pack.  I have it divided up into work outfits, toiletries, and other like sarongs and a stuffed pink frog.  Stuffed pink frogs are really hard to get in Vietnam. (just kidding)
Not pictured is a pile of clothes I haven't made up my mind about.  If I can't think of at least three different uses for clothes or shoes, they go into this pile.  If I have any extra room, I will add them to my suitcases.

The third pile:
Jeffrey's clothes!
Being a guy is so easy.  There is a pile of work shirts, ties, undershirts, and the all important Star Wars DVDs.  His pile will grow but I haven't added to it lately.

As the summer moves on, our piles will grow and change.  I bet there are a few items in my packing pile that may go away.  Not the pink frog though.  I'm going to use that in my classroom as the "sharing frog".  I also have my carry on with a few items that I know I will need in the first week in the classroom.  Since we are only taking two suitcases and a carry on each, we have to be very wise in our packing decisions.  This is just round one of my quest for organization!

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