The count down to the last day of work at our current school is on. (75 days as of this blog posting) We are excited to close this chapter in our lives and to move on to greener pastures. I have been thinking a lot about the transition to our new school. This year alone, I have observed several new staff members begin at our current school. Their success at the school depended on how they transitioned into the school and the city.
Here are some good transitional behaviors-in my opinion:
1. Get to know the local staff-they have been here the longest
2. Learn and say everyone's name correctly-practice it until you get it right
3. Ask questions- what is already working well-no need to reinvent the wheel
4. Look at the big picture-myopic viewpoints are problematic
5. Ask what makes a good leader/teacher/person according to the local staff-Here in Hanoi, a smile makes you an effective leader regardless of what you actually do. Even if you don't understand it, you need to respect the local customs.
6. Get out into the city you now live in. Explore!
7. Respect the experience and insights of staff members who have been in the city longer than you, but also take their advice with several grains of salt.
8. Be honest about your work history and your reasons for teaching overseas
9. Know that you do not speak for your entire country, you only speak for yourself but people will judge your country by what you say and do
10. Shake off any negative things you may have gone through at your last school-new country, new school, new outlook
Alright, now all I need to do is get through the next 75 working days and then I can use my own advice.
~Deep breaths~
Janet, How is it going in Pakistan? Do you guys like it there?